How One of Our Comic Books Helped a Teen Discover She Had VKC

In July, the Jumo Health team had the honor of attending the International Children’s Advisory Network’s (ICAN) Annual Summit as the Champion Sponsor. During the event, we had the opportunity to speak with a teenager named Muminah, who is living with vernal keratoconjunctivitis (VKC).

Muminah shared an incredible piece of feedback with us. After many doctor visits and several misdiagnoses, it was finally a comic we created about VKC that ultimately helped her accurately identify what was wrong with her eyes.

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), vernal keratoconjunctivitis is a rare condition characterized by inflammation of the conjunctiva, the eye’s outer membrane. This inflammation can cause redness and blurred vision and, over time, may lead to a grayish discoloration of the retina. Muminah mentioned experiencing all of these symptoms. “I went home one day from school because all of my friends were asking me, “What’s wrong? Why are your eyes so red?” Their comments made her feel as though her friends only saw her eyes when they looked at her. This feeling negatively affected her self-esteem.

“I was nine years old, and I remember searching VKC and a health video came up of a comic and a boy who wanted to go outside. After watching that, it kind of made me feel like I wasn’t alone. I was like, that’s me!”

As a company, it’s incredibly fulfilling to hear how our work has a tangible impact on individuals. When Muminah shared how the comic helped her understand her condition better and feel validated in an emotional and psychological way, she underscored the importance of what we do and why.

Hearing stories like Muminah’s reinforces the dedication and care we put into every project. These moments remind us why we are so passionate about our work and its potential to make a real difference.

To hear Muminah’s story in her own words, view the video below: