Recently, I got an email from my local health system advertising a clinical trial for a Lyme disease vaccine. As someone who lives in rural New Jersey, this was very exciting news! I feverishly scrolled for the website link, only to find a phone number [*eye roll*]. I would have stopped right then and there, as I was silently scrolling while trying to get my 7-month-old to sleep and a phone call was out of the question; however, I remembered what I do for a living and made a note to myself to call the number the next day. When I did, it was a disconnected line!
Disconnected line aside, asking the potential participant (even one who works in the clinical trial space) to pick up the phone is a gamble. Not having a website to legitimize your trial? A bad bet. I would have happily participated in that study had there been a website to visit, gather more information, and enroll!
For many people considering participating in a clinical trial, the process can be overwhelming and confusing. This is where having a website dedicated to the study can be incredibly helpful. In this blog post, we will discuss why it’s important to have a website for people to reference when considering or participating in a clinical trial.
Accessible Information
One of the most obvious benefits of having a study website for patients to reference is the accessibility of information. Clinical trials can be complex and difficult to understand, especially for participants who may not have a medical background (cue Jumo Health!). A website can serve as a hub to provide detailed information about the trial, the treatment being tested, and the potential risks and benefits – in a variety of formats. This information can be presented in a clear and concise manner, whether on the web page itself, in a video, or as a downloadable resource, making it easier for patients to understand and make informed decisions about their health.
Transparency is key when it comes to clinical trials. People want to know what they’re getting into and what to expect. Study websites should provide transparency into the trial process, including how the trial is being conducted, who is conducting it, and what is being asked of participants. This level of transparency can help build trust between participants and researchers, which is essential for the success of any clinical trial.
Improved Recruitment
Recruiting patients for clinical trials can be challenging to say the least, especially if people don’t know about the trial or don’t understand the benefits of participating. A dedicated study website can help improve recruitment by providing potential participants with information about the trial and the potential benefits of participation. Beyond providing much-needed information, the website can serve as a recruitment funnel, being the destination of any digital media campaign efforts, hosting a pre-screener to source qualified participants, and providing a call-to-action for those interested to contact a study site.
Better Patient Experience
Participating in a clinical trial can be a daunting experience. A website can help improve the patient experience by providing participants with a clear understanding of what to expect before, during, and after the trial. This can help patients feel more comfortable and confident in their decision to participate. Throughout the trial, a study website can serve as a one-stop-shop for resources. For younger participants, engagement through games and videos can make an often frightening and stressful experience more comforting.
Better Outcomes
Finally, having a dedicated study website can lead to better outcomes for participants and researchers alike. By providing patients with accessible information, transparency, and a better patient experience, researchers can improve recruitment and retention rates, which can ultimately lead to more successful trials and better treatments for all.
In conclusion, don’t make someone call to find out more information about your trial (if you do, at least pick up). Build a dedicated study website for those considering or already participating in your trial. Better yet, let us build one for you! Reach out today to learn more about our custom and templated study website solutions to meet your study team’s timeline and needs.